Saturday 19 December 2009

‘Twas The Week Before Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas and the shelves were stocked high
With customers browsing and looking to buy
Tills ringing loudly with the sounds of each item
Staff smiling sweetly as they scan, charge and pack them

Customers searching for the latest new gadget
For some it’s a present for others a self gift
Filling their baskets with all that they sell
This holiday season is really going well

More customers coming at this holiday time
Than the retailer sees across months one to nine
But who are these customers, have I seen them before
The retailer wonders as they leave through the door

Wouldn’t it be great if I could know what they bought?
And send them some follow-up now there’s a good thought
We could tell them what works well with the item they’ve got
Encourage them to think of us when next they might shop

We’d know if this was their first little peak
Or whether the customer was in every week
If only we’d setup that loyalty scheme
We’d have all this data and more in-between

Having a programme would give us their details
We’d be able to tell them about our great sales
Alas, we don’t have one so we have no idea
We may as well just speak to Santa’s reindeer

But St Nicholas will know them, he stops by their house
Delivering presents as quiet as a mouse
So Santa we beg you when next coming to visit
For their names and addresses leave your naughty and nice list

Merry Christmas!


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